
Benefits of Sponsors

  • The Sponsor can give away Gift Hampers at the event to Kids or Chief Guest.
  • The Sponsor can promote his brand among 10,000 potential buyers.
  • The Anchor shall announce the Sponsors name at regular intervals.
  • Brand awareness among niche and prime clientele directly.
  • Stall or table shall be given at 50% cost quoted to sell their product or service.
  • The sponsor can avail a free photograph at the Photobooth.
  • The sponsor can avail the benefit of Venue Branding at the Entrance.
  • The sponsor will receive a special badge for identification
  • The Sponsor will have its Brand Promotion across all media- Newspapers, Radio Campaign, Billboards and Social Media
  • Promotional Collaterals of Sponsors shall be given to each visitor in a carry bag
  • The sponsor can avail 2 free Funzone passes.